Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Touch of Love & Happiness *Giveaway* on Instagram ~

atouchoflove on Etsy
'Tis the season to give..away!

Resolutions, goals, intentions, plans.
Whatever we call it - the beginning of a year is always a
logical and easy place to make a start.

Allegra has such a great plan, read a book a month.
1 whole book in 1 whole month.
That is doable, right?

Don't know what to read?  
Use this list, borrow from this list...
OR make your own.

In addition, Allegra has a fabulous Etsy shop.
She has the most beautifully unique handwriting that she has 
turned into fonts (plural) for your benefit.
Sending handwritten notes, using a handwritten return address stamp
make that snail mail into a ray of sunshine for someone.

So, Allegra has generously offered to jump start your 2014 reading with 


Rules of the giveaway!
Winner will be randomly selected at 
noon PST 
Friday, December 13, 2013

1.) rush to  atouchoflove 
and start dreaming how you'll spend your winnings

2.) follow seeking_refinement 
on Instagram

3.) tag a friend in the comments section
along with how you'd spend your credit in her shop

repost this link with the hashtag

Good Luck!